The Torture Museum Oude Steen is located in the historic heart of Bruges.
In the early Middle Ages it served as the city's oldest prison. The old cellar has recently been transformed into this historical museum. The museum retraces the history of one of the darkest pages of humanity. Lifelike wax statues with authentic torture instruments will piercingly demonstrate what mankind has been able to do, how much we have evolved in the meantime and where there are still pitfalls in the contemporary legal system.

In the museum itself you will find dozens of wax statues that make it completely lifelike.
The images give you the impression that you are being catapulted back in time a few centuries.
The statues wear the original attire of the people they represent in the past.
It is strictly forbidden to touch the images.
Most torture instruments are authentic instruments that have been preserved over the centuries.
For some instruments a technique has been used to produce replicas as faithfully as possible.
Some instruments have not stood the test of time.
In an old part of the medieval cellar, a part has been converted into a dungeon.
Through the necessary lighting and audio techniques, it feels like you are taking a leap back into this very dark period.
You can reflect for a moment on the cruel fate that many (often innocent) people have had to endure.